An FDA approved CLIA Waived rapid point-of-care test that detects antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 in fingerstick whole blood, venous whole blood, serum and plasma specimens.
- World's Smallest Sample Size: 2.5 micro liters
- Easy to Use: Unique barrel designwith all-in-one collection & testing unit
- Minimal hands on time and no open vials
- Performance: Sensitivity: 99.7% Specificity: 99.9%
- Results in 15 minutes
The Chembio SURE CHECK® HIV 1/2 Assay is a single-use immunochromatographic test for the detection of antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Types 1 (HIV-1) and Type 2 (HIV-2) in fingerstick whole blood, venous whole blood, and serum or plasma specimens. The Chembio SURE CHECK® HIV 1/2 Assay is intended for use as a point-of-care test to aid in the diagnosis of infection with HIV-1 and HIV-2. This test is suitable for use in multi-test algorithms designed for the statistical validation of rapid HIV test results. When multiple rapid HIV tests are available, this test should be used in appropriate multi-test algorithms.
Detects antibodies to HIV 1 and HIV 2 in whole blood (fingerstick, venous) serum & plasma
Chembio’s SURE CHECK® HIV 1/2 Assay is a unique, easy-to-use, self-contained, single-use collection and testing device for the rapid, visual detection of antibodies to HIV 1 and HIV 2. CLIA waived for fingerstick and venous whole blood. See product insert for complete performance details.